Real Cusco Tour

About us

We welcome you to Real Cusco Tour Travel Agency, we are a forceful agency leader in organizing pleasant trips in the city of Cusco and part of our Peru.

About our travel agency

We are a leading agency in organizing pleasurable trips in the city of Cusco and part of our Peru.
We create unique and unforgettable experiences visiting the tourist attractions of Peru from Machu Picchu to the Amazon and Lake Titicaca, including Cusco, Arequipa, Colca Canyon, and other destinations in Peru. From the moment you arrive at Alejandro Velazco Astete airport until the moment you board your flight back home, Rea Cusco Tour guarantees you a pleasant and unforgettable experience. Contact us and let us know your questions and we will be happy to plan the trip of your dreams according to your personal needs and interests.

From the moment we started working with Real Cusco Tour Travel and Tourism Agency we have focused on fulfilling the expectations of our travelers. To achieve our goal we have a group of professionals with extensive experience in each area of work and available to our customers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. As a result of the work of our collaborators, we have managed to develop lasting relationships of high trust with our clients. In order not to betray that trust, Real Cusco Tour is constantly training our staff and updating our technological resources used for the programming and coordination of our services.


We have a prestige earned through our experience in tourism, and now we expand our operations by offering our services through the Internet. One of our main concerns, besides the good service, is that the client feels satisfied with the information and the personalized and careful attention provided by Real Cusco Tour. In the field of tourism we are proud of our country; that is why we spread the Peruvian culture, forming a lasting relationship of friendship with our foreign visitors so that they can enjoy in their own flesh the wonderful thing of living in a territory so rich in geographical, cultural and gastronomic variety as Peru is. We invite you to trust us with your illusions and your safety, just worry about enjoying the wonderful experiences that await you, we will take care of the rest.

Our letter of commitment with our visitors carries all the corresponding formalities, for this reason we present you some of our documents UPDATED ANNUALLY OR WHEN YOU NEED IT, this is also the support for every tourist and / or traveler who intends to visit our country. We hope to be your friends to give you a hug and correspond at all times.


Years of Experience


Tours and Activities in Cusco and Peru.


Each tourist or group of tourists upon arrival is met at the airport or bus station by one of our bilingual representatives and then transferred to your hotel so you can rest. During the transfer, from the airport or bus station to the hotel, each passenger receives general information and practical recommendations about the city where he/she is, then he/she will get detailed information about the places he/she will visit during his/her stay in the city. Our company offers travel facilities, flexibility and freedom that you desire. That is why we have created a variety of trips to places that can be combined for a reasonable price.

It is aimed at generating employment opportunities. Every time you make use of our service, a new employment opportunity is created for people with limited resources. We cooperate with the communities by providing food donations, social visits and health campaigns. At the same time of offering relaxing and cultural trips, the company maintains respect for the communities, their customs, culture and environment by providing education in the care of the natural environment of the community and the tourist places to be visited, and those who benefit from our visit as a fundamental principle. Our company supports the local people and helps to improve their quality of life in different activities.

We always respect all agreements made between you and the agency. We work at a professional level in every detail, since we consider that only the total satisfaction of our clients is our best guarantee and the recommendation of our service is the result of a satisfied client. When we provide our services, we always identify ourselves with our passengers.

We are a tour operator, this means that we operate our tours directly and all the services we offer. For that reason, there are no increases in our rates; consequently our prices are quite reasonable. Our rates are the result of a cost analysis and at the same time we guarantee a fair remuneration of our work.

In our company we help the conservation of the environment by providing continuous training to our staff in environmental protection this training will help us to develop professionally in the workplace, so they can offer a quality service, we also educate people from distant places and places where our groups make their visits as well as helping in the collection of inorganic waste in some communities for the care of their natural environment, In the different visits or walks we try not to damage the ecology using natural materials that do not pollute the place to visit, as well as the use of water from the places without chemicals to maintain the natural purity of it all this is so that each client we serve promotes our services, our culture and nature. We develop a close cooperation with the Andean communities to explain them about the protection of the environment. One of the company’s priorities is the management of the environment, therefore we are committed to comply with the applicable legislation.